Digital Filmmaking




Tuesday & Wednesday, October 29th & 30th


Motion Effects Practice - here are the instructions for this exercise.

Motion Effects in Final Cut Pro - Transform, Crop, Distort

Complete Commercial Project - here are the specs for the commercial project: - Due today.

- The movie must be exactly 30 seconds or 1 minute long - the closing credits must come after the 30 seconds or 1 minute and do not count as part of the commercial.
- Be sure to include appropriate music that adds to the selling potential of the add.
- Add sound effects to highlight the action - try, use the sounds in FCP or the sound library in YouTube.
- Adjust audio levels so they are smooth and clear.
- Closing credits - be sure to credit those who participated in the video. Also be sure to credit the music and sound effect you use.

Form a group of 3-4 students to work on the following project - The History of Sequoia High School - in this exercise you will practice using still images in your video as well as voice over narration.

The JKL keys - how to quickly move through a clip

View Final Cut Pro X Essential Training with Ashley Kennedy Chapter 7 Performing Quick Extractions using Top and Tail Edits.

Continue shooting for Shots Project 2 - shot list or storyboard is required before you shoot!

Continue working on Shots Project 2 - complete Project 11 ONLY after you have completed 6-10 first!

You will need to turn in two completed shot projects Friday!

Continue to work on your Commercial Project - you must submit a storyboard or a shot list for this project.

FCP Index



Plan each of your shots for your Shot Projects.
Begin to think about your special video project, what will it be about, who will work with you on the project? What shots will you need, what can you do to begin now on the project now?


What, Why, How

What: 2. Communication and Collaboration
Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance,
to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments
and media

Why: Teamwork is an essential workplace skill and understanding the different types of shots used by videographers adds to your skill set.

How: By working as a team to develop five different shot projects.