Digital Filmmaking




Tuesday & Wednesday, February 4th & 5th


Video of the Day

Sample Action Shots - what works and what doesn't
Sample 1, Sample 2, Sample 3 , Sample 4, Sample 5
Do you need to modify your storyline? Your storyline should wrap around the chase in this project.

Chase Groups
Period 3
Period 4

Today- Action Shot Practice #2 - one action shot with multiple cameras (min of 3 cameras)
What action will you shoot? What are the three angles you will use to get the best shots of this action?

Complete Setting the Pace questions, paste your answers to Google class.

Begin to think about how you will shoot your Econo Rap Video - this will be a practice run for the creation of your music video.

FCP Index




Continue to plan your Chase/Quest project and semester project.


What, Why, How

What: Movies are created by developing a sequence of shots and scenes in order to tell a story. The different types of shots are referred to by name and abreviations.

Why: Knowing the different types of shots is part of the movie making profession and this knowledge adds to the skill set of the videographer.

How: Class discussion, reading notes and examples


Chase/Quest Project






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