Tuesday, August 29th




Pick up HTML Books 8:20
Log in to the class network
Navigating the class network - storing and saving files
Create a folder called HTML pages and save a file with your name in that folder, demonstrate for teacher check.
Review of How Web Pages Work - servers, clients, URL's, Browsers, HTML
Anatomy of a simple web page
Creating your first web page.
Read pages 23-25 in your HTML book and answer the following questions in a word document titled, "Chapt 1 Questions":

1. What surrounds every HTML tag?
2. Give an example of an attribute
3. Give an example of a tag with an attribute and a value. Label each component.
4. What what always encloses a value?
5. What tag is used to space between lines on a page?

Show your completed work to your instructor for teacher check (do NOT print up the document).



Read Class Syllabus
Review Class Notes