Web Design

Mr. Dodge
Room: 30
Voice Mail: 369-1411 x8608
E-mail: cdodge@seq.org
Web Design Assignments: www.seq.org/~cdodge

Course Description
Students will learn to design, create and maintain web pages using HTML, web page editors and graphics software and equipment.

Course Objectives
In this course, students will:

Curricular Requirements
 Web Editors: Macromedia Dreamweaver and Adobe GoLive
 Adobe PhotoShop, Macromedia Flash and Fireworks
 Many supplementary materials, including online assignments

Instructional Approach

  • Class discussions/notes
  • Computer exercises/projects
  • Graphics equipment
  • Direct instruction
  • Internet research/lessons
  • Quizzes and exams

  • Content Standards

    NETS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    Business Education 1.6 (Information Technologies)
    Information Technology Industry Sector Standards I(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f), III(c)(e)(g)(h)(i)(k)(l)(m)(p)(q)
    All Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLR's)

    There will be a few homework assignments, but none will require the use of a computer.

    Grading Policy
    After an absence, the student is responsible for making up assignments within two weeks. Work handed in late will not receive full credit. Students who hand work in on time may correct assignments for additional points. Copying or cheating is unacceptable and will result in no credit for all parties involved. Semester grades will be based on points earned in both quarters.

    NOTE: To receive an A in this class you must build and maintain your own website. Each quarter you will be asked for the URL of your website. Your site must make use of the techninques and skills developed in the course and must demonstrate a progression of skills. To find a free host for your site try this free web space finder link.



    Grading Scale


    Daily Lessons




    90 – 100%





    80 – 89%





    70 – 79%



    60 – 69%



    59% or below

    Attendance Policy
    All students are expected to be in their seats and ready to work when the bell rings. Absences must be cleared with the attendance office. Students receiving twelve absences of any kind with three "cuts" will receive an "NA" grade. Students will be responsible for checking with the teacher and scheduling a time to make up assignments in the computer lab during break, lunch or after school. Attendance can be checked online on Sequoia's web site: www.sequoiahs.org.

    Student Behavior Expectations
    Sequoia High School behavioral standards will be followed in this class. Behavior that is inconsistent with these standards will result in a conference or a phone call home as well as disciplinary procedures outlined in the Student Handbook. In addition, each computer lab student is expected to:

    Office Hours
    I am available in Room 30 by appointment. Please feel free to contact me by E-mail or Voice Mail. I will check them several times each day.

    I/we have read the course outline for Web Design. I/we understand it and will work to fulfill all expectations.

    Student Signature


    Parent/Guardian Signature


    Week 1 Schedule | Web Design Page | Class Web Page | IT Department | Sequoia High School