
Contrast is a way to attract attention to your page and add visual interest. The more striking the contrast the more interest it sparks. The one thing to remember is that for contrast to be effective it must be strong! Don't wimp out.

Contrast can be achieved in a variety of ways. Changes in font, font size, color, texture, spacing, graphics can all produce contrast. The main rule with contrast is that if two things are not the same, then make them very different. Making them only somewhat different is what produces conflict which you should avoid.


The Rules of Life

Your attitude is your life
Maximize your options
Never take anything too seriously
Don't let the seeds stop you from enjoying the watermelon
Be nice.

The contrast between the two font typefaces works but the contrast between the lines is a bit fuzzy. If two things are different then make them very different.


The Rules of Life

Your attitude is your life
Maximize your options
Never take anything too seriously
Don't let the seeds stop you from enjoying the watermelon
Be nice.

Now the contrast between the border lines is noticeable and the differences are clear. You know where the beginning and end occur.

Putting all of these design principles into practice on every page will create more attractive and inviting web pages. Now for the assignment.

Start | Proximity | Alignment | Repetition | Contrast | Assignment