“What is Data Science”
What is Data Science feedback form - please provide your feedback on the video, thank you.
SFO Internship Opportunities
Cybersecurity Summer Camp - Free
Free On-Line Courses - can't get enough coding? Try one of these courses. Coursera courses
Related Careers - Network Administrator - typical salary in the Bay Area - $73,125 up to $108,840
6.2 The Internet: Basic Concepts and Terminology
What happens on the Internet in 1 Minute?
Inside one of Google's Data Centers
Where is the London Bridge?
6.3 Internet Architecture and Packet Switching
Network-Tools.com - use ping and traceroute
Using Ping and Traceroute to Investigate the Internet
- use this document
Visual Traceroute App - you will need to turn off your adblocker to use this site.
Show me your answers to the discussion questions.
Packet Routing Activity - demonstration, answer the questions for teacher check after class discussion.
Complete 6.3 Questions and Reflections
Complete 6.2 Questions and Reflections
Complete any of the Section 5 questions and reflections or other missing assignments.
Get checked off on any missing Section 5 assignments
Begin 5.12 Wrap Up Drills - demonstrate your working app and show your code blocks for teacher check.