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5.12 Wrap Up Drills


Complete 5.12 Wrap Up Drills
Download this template file and then open it in AppInventor.
Save the project as Drill5YourName1 - follow the instructions for making the makeNewList procedure. Save your file.

Save the project as Drill5YourName2 - follow the instructions for making the displayOutofBoundsMsg procedure and the isValidIndex function. Save your file. Modify the isValidIndex function so it accepts a parameter of the global index.

Save the project as Drill5YourName3 - follow the instructions for creating the sumToListIndex function. Save your file.

Save the project as Drill5YourNameFinal - follow the instructions for creating the computeAndDisplaySumToIndex function. Save your file and demonstrate that it works properly. Then display the code for your program for teacher check.