Tuesday & Wednesday, August 20th & 21st


Video of the Day - what is it about this film that gets your attention? What makes it a good film?

1. Creating a storyline
2. Video Workflow
3. Editing with Final Cut Pro

Video Project #2 - Five by Five Project
Five By Five Project Groups 3rd
Five By Five Project Groups 4th

The purpose of today's video is similar to your first project. Your job today is to create a 25 second video (exactly 25 seconds!) made up of 5 shots that are exactly 5 seconds each. You will add a 5 second title screen and a 5 second credits screen for a total of 35 seconds.

Samples: Band Practice, The Squirrel, Moka, A Day at School

As a class use the Moka video to practice what is required for this project.

Review of shot types - WS, MS, CU, ECU.....

Step 1: Select a theme - what is the story you are going to tell? Will it be serious, informative, funny???? As a group you can have more than one storyline but each person will only edit one storyline.
Step 2: Create a shot list - describe the five different shots you will take and explain how each shot adds to the storyline
Stop - you must show me your storyline and shot list BEFORE you begin shooting.
Step 3: Take the shots - make sure they are LONGER than 5 seconds each - ask your instructor for the shooting tip related to shot length
Step 4: Upload your video clips to FCP.
Step 5: Use FCP to edit the shots . Each person in the group will edit their own shots.
Step 6: Share the FCP video and save it in your Movies folder.
Step 7: Upload your movie file to your Google drive and then submit to the Video Production google classroom.

Taking a tour of the FCP X interface from the Final Cut Pro X Essential Training  with Ashley Kennedy on Lynda.com.

Introduction to Final Cut Pro - how to upload your video clips and make a video.

Use the clips that you took as a group to create your first edited video.



Begin to think about some videos that you would like to make.