Now that you know how to set the snap and grid settings you can now use the mouse to draw very accurate lines instead of using the line command.
Open a new drawing and set your grid to .5 inches. Turn snap on and create a 10 X 8 rectangle with the lower left hand corner at point .5,.5. Then create a series of smaller rectangles that are half an inch away from the outside rectangle. When you are finished you should have a total of 8 rectangles. Then draw a line connecting the corners of the outer rectangle to the corners of the smallest rectangle. Put your name in the middle of the drawing and show it to your instructor for teacher check.
As you can see drawing using the snap feature and the mouse is much faster than using the command line.
Caution! There are times when having snap on can prevent you from moving your cursor to a specific point. Some of you discovered this with the zoom exercise. If you find that you cannot move your cursor to the desired location check to be sure that snap is off.
When you are finished your drawing should look like this: