Wednesday, April 21st


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Plot Kitchen Layout using Plotmaker
See examples posted around room for Kitchen Layout project.
Begin creating Kitchen Layout for D size plot in Plotmaker.
You will need to include the following views:
* Floor Plan - probably 1/2" : 1' Scale, should include:
   Elevation Key, Working Triangle, Outside Dimensions
* Elevations of each wall one of which is dimensioned
* 3D View showing the best view of the kitchen

Follow these steps to plot your layout.

Changing the Text in your Layout
To change the texts in your layout you need to go to File > Info > Project Info and then fill in appropriate values. Skip any options that don't apply.
NOTE: If you have already modified the Master Layout then these changes will not appear and you can skip this step.

DO NOT CHANGE SCALE IN LAYOUT - Do not stretch or shrink your view in the layout book, this modifies the scale. You can crop your view but you CANNOT stretch it.



Review your kitchen design.