Interested in a career as a first responder? Check out this event on Saturday, Feb. 8th
Review of 5.4 Sorting Algorithms - why are sorting algorithms important?
What are the two searching algorithms discussed so far? Which one works best on a sorted list of values?
What are the four sorting algorithms discussed so far?
5.5 The Quiz App - Follow the instructions for completing the Quiz App. Once the app is working demonstrate it for teacher check.
5.5 Quiz App Enhancements and Extensions (1-4) - once you have completed these demonstrate for teacher check.
Complete 5.5 Questions and Extensions for teacher check.
Make a copy of the Quiz App and save it as YourNameQuiz. Create a quiz on a topic that you are interested in or for another class. Your quiz must have at least 5 questions and some kind of media, could be a picture, a sound file or some other media file. Be sure to provide the correct answers to each question.