Reminder - videos including raps cannot violate school guidelines, any rap that does will not be graded until it has been corrected.
Sample Rap - how many different shots are used for the chorus?
Continue work on the Econo Rap Project - recording your soundtrack - upload your portion of the rap with beats to Google classroom today. After today this assignment is late.
Begin working on your shot list - take your lyrics and add the shots you want for each section. Remember to use multiple shots for each section.
Introduction to Audacity - you can edit your audio clips in FCP or Audacity.
12 Tricks in Audacity in 10 minutes
5 STEPS to Improve Your VOICEOVER in Audacity
Audacity Basics: Recording, Editing, Mixing
Mixing multiple tracks
How to Make Your Voice Sound Better in Audacity
Envelope Tool
Econo Rap Groups
background music