Thursday & Friday, August 29th & 30th


Video of the Day Another one just for fun. - list at least three different shots used in this video.

Workflow - Upload your clips to a New Event named after the project you are working on.
Create a new project in that event with the project name and your name.
Add clips in the order that tells the story.
Edit cuts, add title

Finish editing your Types of Shots Demo Video. Here are the specs for your video:

1. You must have at least five different shots demonstrated in your video. Each type of shot must be labeled - best to use the Lower Thirds title for this.
2. Add a 5 second title with black background and 5 second closing credits with black background
3. Add appropriate music to your video that fades in at the beginning and fades out at the end.

Complete the Types of Shots Note Page with your partner.

Ripple Edits - this is probably the tool you will want to use for editing your video today.

The process of making a Film/Video

Shots, scenes and sequences

How to submit your video to Google classroom.

Done is better than Perfect! - what your boss wants you to know.

The Shot List - more shots

Create a google document call Movie Ideas and brainstorm shot projects, short project ideas 1-2 minutes. Also consider longer more involved movie ideas 3-5 minutes

Shoot your Continuity Project - on the back of your pass write out your storyline and where your first three shots will be.

Begin to edit your project - due next week



Have a great weekend.


What, Why, How

What: Movies are created by developing a sequence of shots and scenes in order to tell a story. The different types of shots are referred to by name and abbreviations.

Why: Knowing the different types of shots is part of the movie making profession and this knowledge adds to the skill set of the videographer.

How: Class discussion, reading notes and examples
