Turn in your homework - TUA and Field Trip forms.
Review of TUA.
Review Video Editor Questions
Video Pass Rules - meet in your groups (per 3 groups, per 4 groups) and come up with rules that should be followed when shooting video on campus? Some of the rules may be general rules about how to work together on a video project while other rules may be specific to shooting video. Decide what the consequences should be for not following those rules. You may want to have a scale of consequences, first offense.., second offense.
A - Facilitator/Director - leads the discussion making sure everyone contributes.
B - Recorder - create a google doc to record group ideas and submit to google classroom for the group.
C - Equipment Manager - manage talking discs and check out of equipment.
D - Presenter - presents the findings of your group to the class.
E -
Timekeeper/Pass Manager - monitor time and complete the pass for your group.
Post your rules to Google Classroom - the recorder needs to do this. The presenter will share one rule with the class as well as the consequences for that rule.
Video Camera Basics - how to use the Canon t6i Rebel
Video Basics - what is wrong with this video shot?
Camera Checkout Process - have a shotlist, complete a pass with camera and SD card #, get camera, battery, SD card, tripod, mic.....Notify teacher of camera problems right away.
Camera Checkin Process - remove SD card - upload videos, remove battery and charge, wrap up camera and return, return other equipment, be sure tripod has the camera base attached.
First shot project - Sequoia High School Campus - choose a theme and then shoot 5 shots (be sure to decide the sequence, a theme before shooting) of the Sequoia campus. Shots should be about 5-10 seconds.
Present your shots to the class - each person should discuss thier shot and ideas behind the shot.
Possible themes
navigating the new room numbering
campus beauty
littering on campus
closeups showing small details
where are the bathrooms?
nice places for lunch
Video Presentations
What are the different jobs involved in creating a feature film?
Complete Video Editor - Career Questions - must complete today - post your answers to School Loop
spider cam