Green Screen Practice - the purpose of this assignment is to gain practice in shooting and editing green screen shots before you begin your actual green screen project.
How to Light a Green Screen - create a notes page for this topic.
Dave Dugdale - lighting a green screen on the cheap
Green screen tips and tricks
What NOT to wear
Green Screen Mistakes
Green Screen News Studio - a virtual news room
Side By Side Example
Green Screen Project Ideas
Chromakey in Final Cut Pro
1. Create a folder called Green Screen Backgrounds.
2. Find three different backgrounds and download this to your folder. The backgrounds must be of a high resolution, remember your videos are 1080 pixels wide so find images that are at least the same size or larger otherwise the quality of the image will take away from your shot. When you search for images look for HD images.
3. Based on your backgrounds shoot a short green screen scene to match each of your chosen backgrounds. Be sure to light your greenscreen correctly and follow the greenscreen tips and tricks - Green screen tips and tricks
4. Edit the clips using the appropriate backgrounds and the chroma key features of Final Cut Pro.
Since there is only one studio with the green screen your crew will only have one chance to shoot your shots and only 20 minutes to do so so practice your shots beforehand.