Thursday, September 21st


Complete Warm-up

Using Fireworks to Resize an Image

Making an Image a Link
Turn the Sequoia Seal into an active link - get teacher check.
Complete Sequoia Seal Page and Sequoia Attributes Page
Read about Non-Dithering Colors or "Web Safe" Colors

Thumbnail Image Page - create a page of six thumbnail images that are all 120 pixels wide (the height may vary depending on the image). Link each one of these thumbnails to the full size picture. To give your thumbnail page a more professional look place each large image in its own web page with the same background color each time. Center the image on the page. This way when you open the large image they all have similar backgrounds.

Begin on Back to School Web Site - create a new folder called backtoschool and copy all of your pages so far to this folder. Create an index page like the one shown on this link and then add links to pages you would like visitors to see. Give an explanation of what each page demonstrates. You may want to list the pages in sequence so visitors can see how your learning has progressed.





Read about how to make your pages load faster!
Click here for a review of today
Read pages 84 - 90