Thursday, August 31st


Review of HTML Documents, Tags and Browsers

Complete the Introduction to HTML assignment. Turn this in before you leave today.

Read the Elements of a Web Page information and complete the exercise #1-10
Create a new web page with your name, date and period displayed in the page. Save the file as Hello.html in your H:drive folder. Show the web page to your instructor for teacher check.

Read the last paragraph of this page about using multiple formatting tags and then create a new html document that demonstrates this. Save the file as Hello_2.html

Read about Meta Tags and complete the Meta Tags assignment.
For more information about meta tags
Check out this link on creating a Redirection page. See if you can create a redirection page that sends students to my class web page.

Read pages 31 - 42. Take special note of the tips on each page. There is a lot of good information in the tips so don't skip them.

Think about what you would want in a web site. What will be the theme for your site? What information do you want to present? What do you want the site to look and feel like?
Make a sketch of what you want your home page to look like.



Review the tags covered so far. Prepare for your first quiz next week on everything covered up to this point.

Have a great weekend.