Before you begin this assignment take a look at what
some different size images look like. This will give you some
kind of feel for how large images in pixels are.
1. Create a new web page and save it as thumbnails.html
2. Go to one of the image sites listed on the links page and save four
different images. Try to pick some kind of theme so the images are somehow
related. Also try to pick images that are at least 500 pixels wide or
larger. When you save each of these images give them descriptive names
and be sure that you include lg in each name to indicate these are large
3. Use Paint or Fireworks to reduce the image size
of each large image down to 200 X 150 pixels and resave each image
wiht the same name but replace lg with sm for small.
4. Insert the four small images into your web page
being sure to give each an alt text attribute with the URL where you
obtained the image.
5. Make each small image on your page a link to
the larger image.
6. Give each image an appropriate caption and write
an explanation of what this page demonstrates.
7. Demonstrate your thumbnail page to your instructor
for teacher check.