Using Inline Frames to Create a Scrolling Table


There are two parts to this exercise:

First create a single table that contains the headings for each column in your table and have it open in a frame (an inline frame) on your web page. The columns will be Period, Room #, Class and Teacher. Give the Period and Room# cells a width of 100 and the Class and Teacher headings a width of 250.

Then create another table (copy your first table and change the headings to data) that lists your classes and open it in a second frame (another inline frame) on the same page. Once you have completed the web page show it to your instructor for teacher check.

When you create your inline frames you will need to set the following attributes:

width="100%" - you want the frame to span the entire page
height="40" - you will want the second inline frame to be twice this width
scrolling="no" - only apply this attribute to the first inline frame, you want to be able to scroll through the second frame to see all of your classes.

Demonstrate this scrolling table to your instructor for teacher check.