Movie Clips


Part I

1. Open a new flash file. Go to Insert > New Symbol. Call the symbol Number and make it a movie clip.

2. Place a keyframe in each frame from 1-10. In frame 1 type a 1 and make the font size 90. Center it to stage.

3. Use the selection arrow to select the number and copy it. Click in frame two and paste in place the number. Change the number to 2. Repeat this until each keyframe has a number that corresponds to the frame number.

4.Double click back on Scene 1 and select the layer. Click in frame 1 and insert a frame.

5. Drag an instance of your Number movie clip onto the stage. Click on frame 5 and insert a keyframe. Test the movie. Describe what happens.

6. Create a new layer called Number 2. Drag another instance of your Number movie clip onto the stage in frame 1 but this time select it using the selection arrow. In the properties panel make it a graphic. Place a keyframe in frame five on the Number 2 layer.

5. Test the movie and explain the differences between a movie and a graphic symbol.

8. Show your animation to your instructor for teacher check.