Thursday, March 22nd


Moving to the SQ-IT-SERVER
Complete work on Templates Assignment
Create and Publish a Podcast on your personal website.

Here are the steps for moving to the new server.

1. Open My Documents and press Ctr + A to select all files. Press Ctr + C to copy these files.

2. Open My Computer and open the C: drive, create a folder and label it with your last name. Open this folder and press Ctr + V to paste your files to this folder. Check to be sure all of your files were copied.

3. Log out and login to the SQITLAB with the same username and password. Right click on My Documents and check to be sure the path looks like this: \\SQ-IT_SERVER\Home\webdesign\username, if it does not you will need to type in the correct path. Open My Documents and leave this window open.

4. Open the C: drive and open the folder you created in step 2. Press Ctr + A to select all files, press Crtl + C to copy these files. Move to My Documents and paste your files.





Continue work on personal web site.
Have a great weekend.