Responsibility for Content
Per School Board Policy, SUHSD employees and students are personally responsible for their use of network services made available to them. Those creating web server content are responsible for seeing that it meets these guidelines and implements School Board Policy.
The web content originators, not the web server maintenance personnel, are responsible for the information they submit to be posted. All information must be double-checked for accuracy. Per School Board Policy, information which could be perceived as threatening, obscene, disruptive, unethical or construed as harassment or disparagement of others based on their race, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion or political beliefs shall not be posted.
Agreement forms required for the posting of any sensitive, confidential, copyrighted, or private information must be collected and stored by the originator for as long as needed to assure satisfaction of legal requirements. The time may be extended due to legal complications, or at the site administrator's direction. The Agreement to Allow Use and Publishing of Copyrighted Work form is provided in Appendix B.
Teachers and advisors must supervise all student postings/web pages to ensure that the subject matter is educationally related. Additionally, prior to submitting them to the web site's webmaster, student postings and "links" must be reviewed by the teacher and/or advisor to prevent the posting of inappropriate material. Linking to student/staff personal home pages on an external site is not permitted. Student writings, artwork, and photography belong to the student, and shall not be published without the student's and a parent's written consent. Coursework assigned and developed in the Web Design class may be published without consent. A student's full name shall not be published without the student's and a parent's written consent. A student's personal information (home address, e-mail address, or phone number) shall not appear in any Internet/Intranet published materials. To ensure student safety, a student's picture and full name shall not appear on the same page. Copies of publishing agreements are provided in Appendix B.
Teachers and advisors are directed to limit access of web content containing information on, or photographs of, students to the minimum audience needed to accomplish instructional goals. If a class, school or District Intranet web server satisfies these goals, then this forum shall be used rather than publishing to the Internet.
Teachers and advisors shall explain to students that:
- Network services and web servers have been established for educational purposes only;
- Most transmissions over the Internet/Intranet can be intercepted and read by other persons on the Internet/Intranet and places outside the District;
- Information posted on the Internet/Intranet is not necessarily fact;
- All original work posted on the web is protected by copyright law and cannot be used without the author's permission; and
- There are rules of network etiquette and general web publishing guidelines.