FTP Tutorial - Uploading Files to Your Web Site


Before you continue with this exercise you should have already registered for your free web space at www.150m.com and you should have CuteFTP installed on your system. Most of the time with a web site you create the web site and collect individual files for the site on your computer. Now you must transfer those files, or upload those files, to your web server.

1. Open CuteFTP. The Session Properties window opens automatically. Click New to create a new profile, this will clear the current information in this window.

2. Give this profile a name, use your last name.

3. For the hostname address use the URL of your web site which should be www.username.150m.com where username is the name you provided when you registered for your free web space.

4. Set Host Type to automatic detect.

5. Your user id will be the same as your web site username.150m.com.

6. Enter the password you supplied when you registered for your free web space and click OK. If all works well you should see information displayed in the connection window indicating the connection was made. At this point there should be no files listed in the right hand window since you have not created or uploaded any pages yet.

7. Go to your home directory and create a new folder called "My150mWebSite". Create a simple web page and save it in this folder as index.html  This web page is the first page all visitors to your site will see.

8. Return to CuteFTP and change the directory on the Local System side to your new folder called MyWebSite. You should be able to do this by clicking on the H: drive icon listed towards the bottom of the window. Select the index.html file you created in the left hand window (Local System) and then click on the arrow pointing to the remote site, this will cause the file to be transferred from your computer to your web site.

9. Close the FTP program and type in the URL to your web site, www.username.150m.com. Your index page should now be displayed. Show your index page to your instructor for teacher check.

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