FTP Tutorial


1. At this point you have a live web site ( you just registered at www.150m.com ) Open up your web page by typing the URL of your page. It should be something like www.______.150m.com. What message appears when you go to this web site?

2. Under the Build or Upload Your Site Today! you should choose option #2. Click on this option. What are the two ways to upload files and what are the advantages of each?

Read the FTP tutorial and answer these questions

3. What does FTP stand for and what does it allow you to do?

4. What three pieces of information is required for your FTP program to work?

Now return to the Upload your Files page. Since you will only be uploading a few files at a time we will make use of an FTP applet. An applet is a Java program that runs through your browser. Follow the three steps listed on this page to open up the ONLINE FTP APPLET. Once you click on this link it will install and run the applet which will appear in the same browser window.

5. Just under the Unlimited FTP Secure banner is the FTP applet window. The files on the left side of the window are located where?

6. The files on the right hand side of the window are located where?

7. To transfer a file from your computer to the web server you select the file(s) in the left hand window and click on the Upload button at the bottom of the page. Your teacher will demonstrate this process.

8. Create a very simple index page for your site and upload it. Show your instructor the answers to these questions and your live index page for teacher check.

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