Form 2 Assignment
Using Pull Down Lists, Radio Buttons and Check Boxes


You want to create a form that allows the user to select various options for modifying a web page and then immediately see the results. Here is the web page you will be modifying. Save the source file for this web page and then add the form to the bottom of the page. Use a fieldset so the form is bordered and for the legend type "Choose the options you would like to see applied to this web page".  The method will again be post but this time you will use the handle_form2.php form handler. This file is located in the php folder on the web server so you will need to include this information in your action attribute.

Here are the options you will want to provide and the names you should give to each.

The following options will all be presented in a series of pull down lists. You will use the select tag to create the pull down lists. For help with this tag check the Forms Attributes page.




Background Color

color1 tan, beige, lavender, lightblue

Image Size

imgsize small, medium, large

Text Size

txtsize small, medium, large

Banner Position

banloc left, center, right

Use radio buttons to determine if the users browser supports frames or not. The name for this value will be framesupport and the two values will be yes or no. When using the radio type attribute both radio buttons will have the same name, in this case framesupport but each will have a different value, one yes and the other no.

Use checkboxes (use a name of pageoptions) to allow the user to select the following options(make these the values): banner, border, graphic. When using the checkbox type attribute all the check boxes will have the same name, in this case pageoptions but each will have a different value, one will be banner, another border and one graphic.

Don't forget your submit button. Have the reset button say "Try Again"

Once you have completed the form show the working page to your instructor for teacher check.