In this assignment, we will see an example of Shape Tweening using Shape
Hints. (Remember: You cannot shape tween a symbol. If an object has a blue
"bounding box," you must break it apart first. To break a symbol apart, click
on it and select Modify - Break Apart.)
To Make the Letter:
Select your Text tool, choose a text color.
Type a letter in the upper left corner of the stage, and make it fairly
large. (The above example uses a Verdana, size 88 "R.")
Click on the letter and select Modify - Break Apart.
To Make the Circle:
Click in Frame 20 and select Insert - Keyframe.
Delete the Letter.
Select your Oval tool, choose a fill color with a
different outline. (The above example uses a red circle.)
Draw a circle (about 75 pixels in diameter) on the stage in the lower
right corner.
To Create a Shape Tween:
Click on the Layer Name. In the Properties Inspector, set
Tween to Shape.
Select Control - Test Movie to see an example of color
and shape tweening.
Describe how the shape tweens.
To Set Shape Hints:
Click in Frame 1 and select Modify - Shape - Add Shape
Drag the red dot to the upper left corner of the letter.
Click in Frame 20 and drag the red dot to the lower right of the circle.
Click in Frame 1 and add another Shape Hint. Drag the red dot to the lower
right of the letter.
Click in Frame 20 and drag the red dot to the upper left of the circle.
Select Control - Test Movie to see the effect of the
Shape Hint.
Try moving the shape hints to other places on the letter.
Save in your Flash folder as shape_hint.fla. Demonstrate
for Teacher Check.