At this point you have covered a lot of concepts in
the use of Flash. You will now put those concepts into practice by creating
a Flash intro to your personal web site. The purpose of the
intro is to introduce the visitor to the purpose and content of your
site and entice them to spend some time viewing your pages. You must
also allow them the ability to bypass the intro if they want to move
directly to your other pages.
There are two things to show your instructor for credit
for this assignment: your flash intro and then an outline of all of the
flash features you employed in the project. The more features you use
the more points you earn. Here is an example:
1. Motion Tween for vertical, horizontal bars and text
2. Alpha tween for frame and final background - make the border and background
fade into view
Linear Color swatch for background so edges are darker than the center
4. Use of Play and Stop Actions to begin and end the animation
5. Extensive use of layers (every object has its own layer)
6. Extensive use of keyframes to control action