Go to EchoEcho.com and answer the following questions as you read through the flash drawing tools tutorial
1. How is a line different from a rectangle in flash?
Pencil Tool
2. What are the three different modes for the pencil tool?
Brush Tool
3. Which brush mode prevents you from painting outside an object?
Line Tool
4. Explain how you would curve a line verses how you would move that same line.
5. What panel can you use to precisely position an object?
Oval Tool
6. What key combination can you use to group objects?
7. Why is it a good idea to group objects?
Rectangle Tool
8. What do you want to make sure of before trying to skew a rectangle?
Eraser Tool
9. What does the faucet option allow the eraser tool to do?
Ink Bottle Tool
10. What does this tool allow you to do?
Paint Bucket Tool
The section "To adjust a gradient or bitmap fill with the Paint Bucket tool:" refers to the Transform Fill tool, this tool is located just above the paint bucket tool. List some of the things you can do with this tool.
Eyedropper Tool
12. Besides just applying a color or gradient to an object what else can the eyedropper fill and object with?
Pen Tool
This is probably the most difficult drawing tool to master.
13. What are the two methods of drawing with pen tool?
14. Explain how to draw a smooth curve using the pen tool.
Show your answers to your instructor for teacher check.