In this assignment, we will see an example of Color and Shape
Tweening. (Note: Shape tweening cannot be done with symbols. If the object
that you want to shape tween has a blue "bounding box," you must break it apart
first. To break a symbol apart, click on it and select Modify - Break
To Make the Square:
Select your Rectangle tool, choose a fill color with no outline. (The
above example uses a blue gradient.)
Draw a square (about 75 pixels across) on the stage.
Do not convert the square to a symbol for this exercise!
Place the square in the upper left corner of the stage.
To Make the Circle:
Click in Frame 20 and select Insert - Keyframe.
Delete the Square.
Select your Oval tool, choose a different fill color with no
outline. (The above example uses a red gradient.)
Draw a circle (about 75 pixels in diameter) on the stage.
Do not convert the circle to a symbol for this exercise!
Place the circle in the lower right corner of the stage.
To Create a Shape Tween:
Click on the Layer Name. In the Properties Inspector, set
Tween to Shape.
Select Control - Test Movie to see an example of color
and shape tweening.
Save in your Flash folder as color_shape.fla.Demonstrate
for teacher check.