For our first Flash assignment, we will create a bouncing ball.
To Make the Ball:
Select your Oval tool, choose a fill color with no outline.
(The above example uses a red gradient which is found at the bottom of the
color swatch panel))
Draw a circle (about 75 pixels in diameter) on the stage.
Click on the circle to select it and select Modify - Convert to
Name: ball
Behavior: Graphic
Look in the library panel and you will see ball - graphic in the library.
(To open the library panel: Select Window - Library.)
What changes once you make the object a symbol?
Create a Flash folder in your dreamweaver site and save your file
as bounce. What extension is automatically added to
the file?What does this extension
To Create a Movie:
Using the arrow tool, position the ball in the upper left corner of the
Save your Flash document to your Flash folder.
Select Control - Test Movie to see the "movie" that you
created. Close the movie by clicking on the lower "x." Look in your Flash folder, what new file has
been created?
created a movie version of your Flash document when you viewed it.
Look at the difference in file size. Write down
the name of each file and the file size of each.
The bounce.swf file is the file that you would upload to the
Click in Frame 10 of the Timeline.
Select Insert - Keyframe and look at the timeline. You
should see a dot in Frame 10.
In Frame 10, drag the ball to the center bottom of the stage.
Click in Frame 20 of the Timeline.
Select Insert - Keyframe and look at the timeline. You
should see a dot in Frame 20.
In Frame 20, drag the ball to the upper right corner of the stage.
Select Control - Test Movie to review the movie. Describe
what happens in your "Movie". Unfortunately this
is not the effect that is desired. Close the movie by clicking on the lower
To Create Tweening: (tweening refers to the transition between one
point or image to another)
Click in Frame 1 and press Enter. What
Click in Frame 1 again. In the Properties Inspector (at the bottom of the
screen), set Tween to Motion.
Click in Frame 1 and press Enter again. Describe
what happens this time? Flash has created tweening for
the first 9 frames!
Click in Frame 10. In the Properties Inspector, set Tween
to Motion.
Click in Frame 1 and press Enter to see the tweening
Select Control - Test Movie to see the tweening. Close
the movie by clicking on the lower "x."
To Scale the Ball:
Click in Frame 1 and use the Free Transform Tool in the tool panel to make
the ball twice as big. Make sure the Properties Panel has a check mark next
to Scale.
Click in Frame 20 and use the same tool to make the ball half as big. Make
sure the Properties Panel has a check mark next to Scale.
Select Control - Test Movie again. What
illusion does the change in size of the ball create? Close
the movie by clicking on the lower "x."
Click in Frame 1 and press Enter. Notice that Flash has
scaled the ball in the "in-between" frames!
To Accelerate/Decelerate the Ball:
Click on Frame 1 and look at the Properties Inspector. Set the
Ease option to -100. (This is Easing In:
Starting out slow and going faster and faster.)
Click in Frame 10 and set the Ease option to +100. (This
is Easing Out: Starting out fast and going slower and slower.
Select Control - Test Movie again. Does the ball look
like it's bouncing away from you? Close the movie by clicking on the lower
Save in your Flash folder as bounce.fla.Demonstrate
your movie for teacher check.
Open a new flash file and draw a box. Make another
bouncing ball that continually bounces around the inside of the box. Demonstrate
for teacher check.