Dreamweaver has the built in capacity to sort the data
in a table based on any column in the table or even multiple columns.
In this exercise you will sort the data in the biking_table page based
on each column. You will create four different identical web pages (the
only difference will be the order in which the data in the table is
sorted). You will then create navigation bar so the user can select
how they would like the data sorted. As the user clicks on a link it
will appear as if the data was instantly sorted.
1. Sort the data in the biking_table according to the
first column. To do this be sure you are in Standard View (go to View
> Table View > Standard View). Select Commands > Sort Table
from the menu bar. The Sort Table dialog box will appear. Sort the table
by the first column, Ride Name, alphabetically. Save this page.
2. Repeat this process but this time sort the table based
on the second column which is the ride Type. Save this page as biking_table_ride_type.
3. Repeat step 2 for column three, Location and save
the page as biking_table_location.
4. Repeat step 2 for the forth column, Rating and save
the page as biking_table_rating.
5. You now have four identical pages with the only difference
being the way in which the table data is sorted. Now you need to add
links to the other pages. Add a navigation bar containing flash buttons
to the biking_table page that has the following links:
Ride Type | Trail
Location | Trail Rating
6. Repeat step 5 for each page but you will
need to modify the list of links since you won't want a page to link
to itself.
7. Test out your links and demonstrate to
your instructor for teacher check.