Although you cannot create Flash Animations in Dreamweaver
like you can create a flash button, you can insert pre-existing animations.
When inserting Flash animations they should always be saved with the
swf file extension. The fla and swt file extensions are for use within
the Flash program but cannot be read by a browser so always use the
swf file.
1. Open your travel_log.html file that you created in
the previous lesson. Move to the end of the text and hit enter to place
the cursor below the flash button in the center of the document.
2. On the Assests Panel, click on Flash.
3. From the Favorites list on the Flash Assests panel,
select surfAd and then click Insert.
4. With the flash object selected go to the Property
Inspector and choose Loop and Autoplay if they are not already selected.
Autoplay starts the animation as soon as the page is loaded.
5. Save your page and show it to your instructor for
teacher check.
Next: Creating Links