Use the design principles from The Non-Designer's Design Book (Proximity, Alignment , Repetition and Contrast) to create a series of web pages that discuss each principle. Create links to sites that demonstrate one particular principle very well.
You will be working in pairs on this project, each person is responsible for two design principles and the accompanying web pages.
You will need a minimum of eight pages, two for each principle.
Provide a description that is understandable to a student outside of this class of the design principle you are highlighting
Find at least two web sites that clearly demonstrate the principle you are highlighting and then discuss HOW these pages are good examples of this principle. Be very specific in your description of how this page demonstrates the design principles citing specific examples from the site.
Find at least two web sites that violate the principle you just demonstrated. Explain WHY the design is bad and make some suggestions on how you would improve the site.
Here is an example of a page that violates good web page design
Use the design principles in your own pages!
Here are some sites to get you started:
Sequoia High School
San Mateo County Schools
Santa Clara County Schools
American Cancer Society
American Heart Association
American Red Cross
Adobe Software
Apple Computer
Bank of the West
Boeing Company
General Electric Company
Hewlett Packard
Union Pacific Railroad