Write out your answers to the following questions
1. Give two reasons you would want to use CSS on your web site.
2. Label the parts that are color coded:
body { background: white; word-spacing: 1px; }
3. Styles that are found in the head are what type?
4. When the style attribute is included in a tag this is what type of style?
5. When a separate document contains a list of styles this is a..
6. Which style (questions 3-5) is the "strongest"?
7. This is an example of?
<style type="text/css">
body { background: white; word-spacing: 1px; }
h1, h2 { font: small-caps bold italic; }
p em { color: purple font-family: georgia }
8. What is wrong with the above code? (two things)
9. What code must be included in an HTML page in order to apply the styles found in a css file?
10. Where in the web page should the above code (question #9) be included?