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Project - Should have your Title Page finished today.
Create your Princeton Review Quiz page - see the rubric for what this
page should contain.
Show your Princeton Review Quiz page to your instructor for teacher
Complete Flash Lesson 1 and 2 in text.
1: Introduction to Flash (From Studio MX 2004 Book)
1. Describe the two different graphic formats that Flash
supports and explain the difference between these two types of graphics.
2. What are the big advantages of vector graphics when working with
web applications?
3. What is a projector file and what is the extension of such a file?
2. Exploring the Macromedia Flash Workspace (From
Studio MX 2004 Book)
1. What do you call the area where you build your animation?
2. What is the function of the timeline?
3. What are the advantages of using layers?
4. When you start step 2.5 create a new layer for each rectangle and
name the layer the color of the rectangle. Be sure each rectangle is
created on its own layer.
5. Once you have completed step 2.6 further modify your file by adding
movement. Have each rectangle slowly move off the stage by frame 30.
See what happens when they move over each other in this process. If
you forgot how to create movement go back and review the bouncing ball
6. Show these and other interesting questions to your instructor for
teacher check.
This is what your swf file should look like. Notice
that since the objects are beyond the stage they seem to disappear.