Before beginning this lesson copy the entire Lesson05
folder from the WebDesign folder on the ITServer to your personal folder.
You will be using the Adventure5.png file in this lesson.
Refer to lesson 5 on page 69 to answer these questions.
1. What are the three things that make up a button
in Fireworks and enable the button behaviors?
2. What are the four rollover states and which of
these states are optional?
3. Where are new buttons automatically stored?
4. What do you call the "copy" of the button you place
in your document?
Step 5.1: Creating the Up and Over State of a Button
and Working in the Buton Editor
5. When you move from the Up state tab to the Over
state tab what option allows you to copy the original object from the
Up state window to the Over state window in the Button Editor?
6. Explain the function of the slice in relation to
a button.
7. When would you want a slice larger than the actual
8. Where in the tool box can you find the show and
hide slices buttons?
Step 5.2: Modifying and Previewing a Button
9. What three types of symbols that are stored in
the library?
10. What do you call the "copy" of a symbol that you
place in a document?
Step 5.3: Working with Buttons
11. List 5 different options available under
the Assests (Library) Panel Options.
12. How do you add a button from the library
to your document?
Step 5.4 Linking Buttons to HTML Pages
13. Where do you go to create a link for a
Step 5.5 Converting Graphics to Buttons
14. Explain how you modify the slice area of a button.
15. While in your main document, click on the F12
key. What happens?
16. Show your completed document to your instructor
for teacher check.