Refer to lesson 4 on page 55 to answer these questions.
Step 4.1 Beginning a New Web
1. Why is it important to keep your original png file
when working with text?
2. What are the two text formats that can be imported
into Fireworks?
Step 4.2 Using the Text Tool
and Importing Text
3. In order to format text you must first do what?
4. What is kerning?
Step 4.4 Changing the Scale,
Kerning and Leading Formats
5. What are the two different ways to move or place text on a page? (see
the top of page 60)
Step 4.6 Applying and Editing
an Effect
6. List several different effects you can add to an object.
Step 4.9 Creating a Mask
7. What is a mask and what does it allow you to do?
8. How do you create a mask?
9. Show your completed web page and your answers
to your instructor for teacher check.