Fireworks - Lesson1B:Introduction Part II


This lesson starts on page 17 at Step 1.5 - Using the Magic Wand Tool. In video production and photo production you may hear of the term "blue screen" or "green screen". This is where you video or photograph someone in front of a pure blue or green screen. You can then use tools like the magic wand to select only the person photographed and none of the background. You can then place the image of the person in any background you want.

1. Explain how the magic wand works.

2. If you had a series of closely colored objects and you only wanted to select those that were very close in color would you select a high or low tolerance value for the magic wand?

3. What are the three options for the edge of a selection? Describe each option.

Step 1.6 Using the Lasso Tool

4. How do you change the zoom tool so it zooms out instead of in?

5. What happens when you hold the alt key down and then drag an object?

6. Where is the flip horizontal option found? What other transformations can you perform?

7. Save your drawing but do not close it.

Step 1.7 Using the Rubber Stamp Tool

8. Draw a diagram of the two symbols that appear on the screen when you use the rubber stamp and explain the function of each.

Step 1.8 Using the Brush Tool

9. Use the brush tool to draw a sun in the upper left hand corner of your image. Change the width of the brush and draw several sun rays emanating from the sun.

10. What short cut keys can be used to Select All? To inverse a selection?

11. Save your drawing. Show your answers and drawing, with the additions you made as you followed the directions in the text, to your instructor for teacher check.


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