Programming Courses at Sequoia
Java Programming
Mobile App Development



Java ProgrammingJava Mascot

Why should I take this course? Here is one reason - what are the hardest jobs to fill today?
Here is another reason - anyone can learn how to code.

What is the course about? - here is the outline for the course.

What is the course like? - the course is a hands on course where you will be learning programming principles by programming. You will start by using Alice which is a 3D programming environment. From there we move to Greenfoot which is a 2D programming environment and then we use Eclipse which is the interface many professionals use for programming.The programming concepts you learn in this class are transferable to other programming languages.

Here are some game programs written by students in the class (the programs must be downloaded to run).

Who is the course for? - the course is designed for any student who is interested in seeing what computer programming is all about. Anyone with an interest in computer science, software design, application design, game design could take this course.

alice characters
greenfoot astoroids


Mobile App Development

In this course you will learn how to harness the power of mobile devices for your apps. Students create their own apps and games which they can publish and share with others. No experience is necessary and the course is open to all students. This course is UC approved for elective credit and it is a great introduction to programming and computer science. It also fulfills your CTE graduation requirement.

What is the course like? You will build your first app in the first week of school. AppInventor does not require the tedious process of writing lines and lines of code, instead you use blocks of pre-written code to program your app. This allows you to quickly and easily make use of the power of mobile devices to create powerful and useful apps.

Why take Mobile App Development? Because this is a fast growing industry and the demand for workers is high!
* Total revenues from mobile apps are on track to reach $99 billion by 2019, according to a new forecast from Juniper Research.
* Employment of software developers is projected to grow 17 percent from 2014 to 2024, much faster than the average for all occupations.
* The median annual wage for software developers, systems software was $102,880 in May 2014.


This is the AppInventor2 interface that is used to design the app user interface.

App Inventor 2

Here is a code block sample that will choose a winner from a list of people who have texted the devices number and then call that person.
App Inventor 2 Code Sample