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All programs can be created with these three structures:
Today we will look at Selection - if - else statements - an if else flow chart
There are three parts to an if - else statement - the condition to be tested and then the code to be executed if the condtion is true and the code to be executed if the condition is NOT true - the else code block.
Note: An If/Else statement is ONLY executed ONCE! and then the program proceeds with any susequent code.
If you want to continually check a condition then you should use a while loop.
Test Friday! Sections 1 thru 2.7 - Run through the quiz once before Friday so you have an idea of what to expect. You can have a one page note sheet to use while taking the quiz.
There is also a lab practical as part of the quiz where you will need to code an animtation in Alice.
DPR Job Shadow Event Tuesday, Oct. 29th - let me know if you are interested. This is a great chance to explore career opportunities.
Add the following Section 2-7 Vocabulary to your Java Definitions document:
- Addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/).
Answer questions about an object, such as its height, width, depth, and even its distance to another object.
Begin Section 2: Lesson 7 - Functions slides.
Begin Section 2-7 Functions practice. Save the White Rabbit Project as 2-7 Hedge Moves. Save optional 1 activity as 2-7 Lioness. Save activity 2 as 2-7 Birds.
2-7 Lioness Walk - create a walk cycle for a quadraped. Demonstrate this for teacher check.
Begin Section 2-7 Functions project. Save the file as Fish_7.
Once you have ALL animations completed you will show these to your instructor for teacher check.
Add the following Section 2-8 Vocabulary to your Java Definitions document:
- A graphical representation of a process model that uses shapes to represent the actions in the model.
- Executes the first set of instructions if a condition is true and the second set of instructions if a condition is false.
Executes instructions repeatedly in a loop while a condition is true
Begin Section 2: Lesson 8 - IF and WHILE Control Structures slides.
Begin Section 2-8 IF and WHILE Control Structures practice. Save the White Rabbit Project as 2-8 Bunny Moves - be sure the bunny runs into the hedge. Save optional 1 activity as 2-8 Cheshire Cat . Save activity 2 as 2-8 Cards. Save activity 3 as 2-8 Tortoise.
Begin Section 2-8 IF and WHILE Control Structures project. Save the fish as Fish_8.
Once you have ALL animations completed you will show these to your instructor for teacher check.