Thursday, October 3rd


Microsoft Office free for Students

All programs can be created with these three structures:

Today we will look at Selection - if - else statements - an if else flow chart

There are three parts to an if - else statement - the condition to be tested and then the code to be executed if the condtion is true and the code to be executed if the condition is NOT true - the else code block.

Note: An If/Else statement is ONLY executed ONCE! and then the program proceeds with any susequent code.
If you want to continually check a condition then you should use a while loop.

Test Friday! Sections 1 thru 2.7 - Run through the quiz once before Friday so you have an idea of what to expect. You can have a one page note sheet to use while taking the quiz.

There is also a lab practical as part of the quiz where you will need to code an animtation in Alice.

DPR Job Shadow Event Tuesday, Oct. 29th - let me know if you are interested. This is a great chance to explore career opportunities.

Add the following Section 2-7 Vocabulary to your Java Definitions document:

- Addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/).
- Answer questions about an object, such as its height, width, depth, and even its distance to another object.

Begin Section 2: Lesson 7 - Functions slides.
Begin Section 2-7 Functions practice. Save the White Rabbit Project as 2-7 Hedge Moves. Save optional 1 activity as 2-7 Lioness. Save activity 2 as 2-7 Birds.

2-7 Lioness Walk - create a walk cycle for a quadraped. Demonstrate this for teacher check.

Begin Section 2-7 Functions project. Save the file as Fish_7.

Once you have ALL animations completed you will show these to your instructor for teacher check.

Add the following Section 2-8 Vocabulary to your Java Definitions document:

- A graphical representation of a process model that uses shapes to represent the actions in the model.
- Executes the first set of instructions if a condition is true and the second set of instructions if a condition is false.
- Executes instructions repeatedly in a loop while a condition is true

Begin Section 2: Lesson 8 - IF and WHILE Control Structures slides.
Begin Section 2-8 IF and WHILE Control Structures practice. Save the White Rabbit Project as 2-8 Bunny Moves - be sure the bunny runs into the hedge. Save optional 1 activity as 2-8 Cheshire Cat . Save activity 2 as 2-8 Cards. Save activity 3 as 2-8 Tortoise.

Begin Section 2-8 IF and WHILE Control Structures project. Save the fish as Fish_8.

Once you have ALL animations completed you will show these to your instructor for teacher check.



Review Java terms - begin to prepare your note sheet for your first quiz over all of section 1 and thru 2.7 on Friday. Go over the quiz at home to prepare for Friday.

There is also a lab practical as part of the quiz where you will need to code an animtation in Alice.



Lesson 5 - Using Control Statements and Function
•Define multiple control statements to control animation timing
• Create an animation that uses a control statement to control animation timing
• Recognize programming constructs to invoke simultaneous movement
• Use functions to control movement based on a return value
• Create programming comments



Certain movements require coordination, such as walking, sitting, or riding in a vehicle. Coordination may be required for an object's body parts to move in sync, or for two objects to move relative to each other.

Control statements and functions will help you better coordinate the movements of objects, as well as make their movements more precise.



By completing the slides, quiz and practice exercises.













