Monday, November 25th


Welcome Back!

Download and place this file in your Greenfoot folder. Once you have unzipped the file open it. Here is the file: - remember you will need to unzip it first.

The Joy of Coding - Classes and Objects
The Dodge version of this video:
Open Hedgehogs file
Creating an instance of an object
Seeing the properties of an object
Object methods
Running a method
Creating multiple objects (shift key)
Act vs Run
Method return types

Section 3: Lesson 1 - Getting Started with Greenfoot - Vocabulary - you should already know several of these terms.
- More specific types of a class.
- The template that defines the substance of an object, such as its appearance, features, and movement.
- The more generic, overarching class of a group of classes.
- An object of the class.
- Translates the source code into a machine code that the computer can understand. This ensures that you added the source code or class correctly before you proceed.
- Defines what all instances of each class are capable of doing. The behavior of each instance is determined by the source code of its class.

Complete Section 3: Lesson 1 - Getting Started with Greenfoot slides.
Complete Section 3: Lesson 1 - Getting Started with Greenfoot practice. Save your answers in a google doc called Section 3-1 Your Name.
Complete Section 3: Lesson 1 - Getting Started with Greenfoot project.
Show these to your instructor for teacher check.

Section 3: Lesson 2 - Methods, Variables and Parameters - Vocabulary - you should already know several of these terms.
- The memory that the instance of the class has. That memory can be saved and accessed later as long as the instance exists.
- A field used to store information about the class to use immediately or later.
- Used to pass values to methods to specify how objects are to move, or to tell objects what type of response we expect when we ask objects a question.
- Each subclass can use (inherits) the methods from its superclass.
- Word at the beginning of the method that tells us what type of information a method call will return.
- Set of operations or tasks that instances of a class can perform. When a method is invoked, it will perform the operation or task specified in the source code.
- A method call instructs the instance to perform an operation or task. You can read the method to understand what operation or task is to be performed.
- Access, return type, name, and parameters for a method.
- Process of finding and removing bugs—or errors—in a computer program.

Complete Section 3: Lesson 2 - Methods, Variables and Parameters slides.
Complete Section 3: Lesson 2- Methods, Variables and Parameters practice.
Show these to your instructor for teacher check.

Continue working on your Alice game.



Complete 3.2 Vocabulary



In this lesson, you will learn how to:
• Use the IF control statement to effect execution of instructions
• Use the WHILE control statement to create a conditional loop for repetitive behavior



When you create an animation or a game you may want an object to execute an action based upon a decision. You can use the IF control structure to help an object make a decision. “If you encounter a rock turn left, otherwise continue going forward”. You may also want objects in your animation to execute an action while
some condition is true. “While the boat moves left wave the person’s hand”. You can use the WHILE control structure to continuously loop an action while a condition is true.



By completing the slides, quiz and practice exercises.