NOTE: We start Greenfoot next week and at that point all lesson 2 lessons become makeup work that must be completed AFTER you finish your Greenfoot lessons.
Tomorrow - Section 2 Quiz 2 - sections 8-14.
Get 2-14 Vocabulary checked off today.
Take the 8-14 quiz as a review to prepare for tomorrow's quiz - show me your score.
Alice Game Project - Due Friday, Dec. 6th - 50 pts
Submit the game file to Google Classroom.
Final Section 2 Vocabulary - Add the following Section 2-14 Vocabulary to your Java Definitions document:
- Statements that allow you to select and execute specific blocks of code while skipping other sections.
- An object of a class.
- A specification, such as a blueprint or pattern and a set of instructions, of how to construct something.
- A piece of code that sends a message to an object asking it to perform an action.
- Control structure that allows you to execute specific sections of the code a number of times.