At this point you should have already submitted the GallonsToLiters program and the 6.1 Vocabulary.
Assignments are due according to their Canvas due date. Also I post what is due on this website. For today the questions 1-6 are due. Assignments can be turned in anytime up until 11:59 PM on the day they are due, after that they are late.
If you are having problems with anything let me know.
Review Arrays
Section 6 Lesson 1: Arrays Vocabulary: - copy and past to Canvas - this was due Yesterday!
- The act of progressing through an array
- A structure that stores multiple values of the same data type
A two-dimensional array.
An integer that identifies the location of a value in an array
The ability to pass data into the main function and access it as an element of an array.
A logical computational procedure that if correctly applied ensures the solution of a problem
An array of arrays, similar to a table, matrix, or spreadsheet.
A for loop inside of a for loop
A named object used to store more than one value.
Begin Section 6 Lesson 1: Arrays slides
Due Today! - Complete Section 6 Lesson 1: Arrays questions 1-6 -Submit to canvas.
Begin Section 6 Lesson 1: Arrays programs - ExamAverage, Matrix
Hints for the ExamAverage program.
In a certain class, there are 5 tests worth 100 points each. Write a program that will take in the 5 tests scores for the user, store the tests scores in an array, and then calculate the students average.
Step 1 - Create an int array (refer to ArrayPractice) that will hold 5 values.
Step 2 - Create a for loop that asks the user to enter five exam scores, one at a time.
Each time the user enters a score assign it to the array variable you created in step 1.
So for the first time through the loop it would look something like this myScores[i] = input.nextInt(); where i is the counter in the loop.
Step 3 - Iterate through the array to pull out each value one at a time and add it to a variable called sum.
You need to add the new value to sum so it will look something like this sum = sum + next array value.
Step 4 - Divide the sum by the number of values to get the average and output the results.
To test your program enter the following scores when the program prompts you:
95, 85, 75, 65, 100 - the average should be 84.