Java Programming




Monday, March 16th
First Day of Java Online


Welcome to your first day of Java Online. This is another advantage of working in the tech field, you can work from home. First here are some questions I am sure you have:

How do I write my Java code?

If you have Eclipse installed on your home computer you can skip this step and continue to use Eclipse just as you would in class. If you don't have Elcipse then continue.

We will be using Codiva, an online Java compiler to write and compile code. Use your Sequoia email to create your account on Codiva and then start coding. Store your account information in your Java login document that you created at the beginning of the year so you don't forget.

Creating a User Account in Codiva

Creating your first project in Codiva - use the GallonsToLiters code for this assignment.

How do I turn in assignments?

To turn in a coding assignment you will copy and paste the code from Codiva into a Google document. You will then run the code and take a screen shot of the output. Paste the screen shot into your Google document and then submit to Canvas.

How do I get help?

I am keeping my regular class hours so you can email me at anytime Monday-Friday between 7:30 AM to 2:30 PM and you should get a speedy reply. If you email me outside these hours you will get a reply but it may take longer. Be sure to use the following format for your subject: YourName ClassName. If I get an email from your personal account and it does not have your name and the class name in the subject line then it will probably get deleted, I do not open email from sources I don't know. Email from your school account is never a problem.

What is due today?

Today you need submit your google document for the GallonsToLiters program with the screen shot of your output to Canvas. This shows that you have created your online Codiva account and know how to create and run a program.


How to work on your 5-2 Project in Codiva

Finish the Section 5-2 Project and get this checked off.
You will prompt the user to enter the values for a new product and then list the new product.
You will also use the number of units and the price to calculate and display the total value of the product.
If you had 5 pens and each pen was $1.00 then the total value would be $5.00.

Section 6 Lesson 1: Arrays Vocabulary:
- The act of progressing through an array
- A structure that stores multiple values of the same data type
- A two-dimensional array.
- An integer that identifies the location of a value in an array
- The ability to pass data into the main function and access it as an element of an array.
- A logical computational procedure that if correctly applied ensures the solution of a problem
- An array of arrays, similar to a table, matrix, or spreadsheet.
- A for loop inside of a for loop
- A named object used to store more than one value.

Begin Section 6 Lesson 1: Arrays slides
Complete Section 6 Lesson 1: Arrays questions 1-6.
Complete Section 6 Lesson 1: Arrays programs - ExamAverage, Matrix and CardDeck



Install Eclipse on your home computer if you would like to be able to work on your java at home.



In this lesson, you will learn how to:
•Recognize the correct general form of a class
• Create an object of a class
• Describe object references
• Create methods that compile with no errors
• Return a value from a method
• Use parameters in a method



Class templates are the foundation of the Java language. Understanding how to create a class with various methods will be essential to becoming a good Java programmer. Knowing how to instantiate an object and compare it to other objects is critical to learning to use and work with Java data types.



By completing the slides, quiz and practice exercises.