Sign up for your Friday Flex Period
Today is the last day to get Project 4.4 checked off for full credit.
All programs can be created using a combination of the following - sequence, selection and repetition
Review of Loops - For Loop, While Loop and Do While Loop
LoopPractice Code
Loop Practice - create a program that asks the user for a word then tells the user how many characters are in that word and then prints each character on a separate line.
To find out how many charcters are in a string use the .length() method which returns the length of the word.
To find each character in a word you need a loop that selects each character one at a time using the .charAt(i) method.
Remember that strings are an array of characters with the first character is found at index 0.
Here is your starting code - complete the program so it works properly and then demonstrate for teacher check.
NOTE: Strings are always enclosed in "double quotes" while characters are enclosed with 'single quotes'.
Section 5 Lesson 2: Control Statements Vocabulary:
- A post-test loop that executes an unknown number of times until a condition is met, but always executes the first time through the loop.
A pre-test loop that uses an iterator to keep track of how many times a loop will execute.
A keyword used to skip over the remaining code in a loop and return program control to the beginning of the loop to execute again.
A pre-test loop that executes an unknown number of times until a condition is met.
A keyword used to terminate a loop from executing before the loop condition is met.
Complete Section 5 Lesson 2: Control Statements slides
Complete Section 5 Lesson 2: Control Statements quiz and show your results to your instructor for teacher check
Complete work on the Section 5 Lesson 2: Control Statements practice on school loop.
Section 5.2 Coding - show your programs to your instructor for teacher check:
Message Decoder - you must use only one println to print out the decoded message.
4. Anagram - hint sampleString.indexOf( characterX ) will return a -1 if the characterX is NOT found in sampelString. You will need to use a loop to pull out each character in the first word and see if it is in the second word.