Section 4 quiz Thursday or Friday!
ASCII Table - you are using an ascii keyboard, every key on your keyboard is represented in the ascii code.
What are some of the limitations of ASCII? ASCII values are 8 bit values so you are limited to 256 characters. Why is that a problem?
The answer is Unicode - is the programming standard for encoding text.
Begin Section 4 Lesson 4: Strings slides
Begin Section 4 Lesson 4: Strings practice
Hints for theGene Finder problem - for help with this problem refer to the StringPractice example, part4
Refer to the Java API for String objects
Remember that each string is composed of characters and each character in a string has an index value that indicates its location in the string.
Once you have found the start and ending index values you can use these two values to select a substring from the DNA string.
You should have four variables for this project, dna is one, what are the other three?
Begin Section 4 Lesson 4: Strings project
Section 4: Lesson 4 - Strings Vocabulary:
- Joining multiple String objects together.
Specific characters that are preceded by a \ character.
When evaluated, the special character is evaluated as a special function, such as tabs, newlines, etc.
Assigning a value to a String object reference.
A data type that references the location in memory where an object is stored rather than a single, specific value.
- Code available in the Java API to manipulate or return strings.
An Object type that stores sentences, words, or multiple characters.