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Section 4 quiz Friday!
Begin Section 4 Lesson 4: Strings slides
Begin Section 4 Lesson 4: Strings practice
Hints for the Gene Finder problem
Refer to the Java API for String objects
Remember that each string is composed of characters and each character in a string has an index value that indicates its location in the string.
Once you have found the start and ending index values you can use these two values to select a substring from the DNA string.
You should have four variables for this project, dna is one, what are the other three?
Begin Section 4 Lesson 4: Strings project
Section 4: Lesson 4 - Strings Vocabulary:
- Joining multiple String objects together.
Specific characters that are preceded by a \ character.
When evaluated, the special character is evaluated as a special function, such as tabs, newlines, etc.
Assigning a value to a String object reference.
A data type that references the location in memory where an object is stored rather than a single, specific value.
- Code available in the Java API to manipulate or return strings.
An Object type that stores sentences, words, or multiple characters.
in Summary.....