Thursday, December 19th
Final Exam


Oracle Final Exam - login to your Oracle account and go to the Java Fundamentals Midterm. Once you complete the exam show me your score.

Greenfoot Lab Practical - you can use the Internet during this section of the exam.

  1. Open greenfoot and create a new Java Scenario and save it as MyFinalYourName in your H: drive.

  2. Set the size of MyWorld to 600 X 480 with a resolution of 1 pixel.

  3. Add comments to indicate that you are the creator of this program.

  4. Set the image for MyWorld to a gray background called granite-light.

  5. Create the following Actor subclasses and give them appropriate images:

  6. Setup your world so that the following objects are present in your world at startup:
    1 Ambulance on the upper left of the world
    1 Car below the ambulance but on right of the world
    1 Bus below the car on the left side of the world
    1 Frog that is below the area where the vehicles move.

  1. Now program the vehicles so they move across the screen, once they get to the edge of the world they should turn around and continue to move. The car should be moving in the opposite direction of the other vehicles.

  2. Program the frog so you can use keyboard controls to move the frog up and through the traffic.

  3. Add your own modifications to the program and indicate what those modifications are in your code.


Before you leave today open eclipse to be sure it is installed and runs on your computer.




Have a wonderful break! See you next year.