Friday, August 30th


Introduction to Storyboarding

Creating a Storyboard -Storyboarding - it does not have to be hard but it is important for good animations - storyline is important.

Section 2-4 Rotation and Randomization Vocabulary
Add the following terms to your vocabulary document:
- A document with the step-by-step actions of the animation that need to be programmed.
- Define how programming statements are executed in the program.
- The process of putting one thing inside of another.
- Numbers generated by the computer with no pattern in their sequence.

Complete Section 2-4 Rotation and Randomization practice. Save steps 1-4 as S2-4 White Rabbit Last Name. Save optional activity 1 as S2-4 Horse Last Name, activity 2 as S2-4 Penquin Flap Last Name, activity 3 as S2-4 Spinner Last Name. Demonstrate these programs for teacher check. Be sure you have comments in your code.

Complete Section 2-4 Rotation and Randomization project and save the project as Fish_4 Project Last Name. Demonstrate the working project to your instructor for teacher check.

Once you have completed these sections begin working on your own animation - the one you story boarded. If you have time begin creating the scene for your animation.



Have a great weekend - enjoy the holiday!