Monday - Check your grades!
Review of the Oracle iLearning environment - lesson slides, practice and project
Complete the Section 2-1 Getting Started With Alice - be sure to interact with Alice while you work through the section.
Complete Section 2-1 Getting Started With Alice vocabulary: - Create a google sheet titled Java Vocabulary and copy the following definitions to the spreadsheet:
- The place where you add the programming instructions to program your animation.
When something is broken or does not work as intended in a software program.
The first scene of an animation where you select the background template and position the objects.
The process of finding bugs in a software program.
Contains the instructions that define the appearance and movement of an object.
A collection of three-dimensional objects that you can insert into the scene.
A value that is used by the method to perform an action.
What an object is called after it is added to the scene.
The place where you can select objects from the gallery to add to the scene, position objects, and edit an object’s properties.
The background of the scene that provides the sky, ground and light.
A piece of program code that defines how the object should execute a task.
Complete Section 2-1 Getting Started With Alice Practice Activities. For the exercises 1-6 save it as WhiteRabbitProject, Optional Exercise 1 save as Alien, and optional exercise 2 save as MadHatter. Demonstrate all three programs to your instructor for teacher check. Complete the Project for this section and demonstrate the Fish_1.a3p program for teacher check.
NOTE: iLearning links will only work if you have already signed into your iLearning account.
Review of the Oracle iLearning environment