Monday, August 19th
Collaboration Day 7:40 - 8:20


Monday - Check your grades!

Review of the Oracle iLearning environment - lesson slides, practice and project

Complete the Section 2-1 Getting Started With Alice - be sure to interact with Alice while you work through the section.
Complete Section 2-1 Getting Started With Alice vocabulary: - Create a google sheet titled Java Vocabulary and copy the following definitions to the spreadsheet:
- The place where you add the programming instructions to program your animation.
- When something is broken or does not work as intended in a software program.
- The first scene of an animation where you select the background template and position the objects.
- The process of finding bugs in a software program.
- Contains the instructions that define the appearance and movement of an object.
- A collection of three-dimensional objects that you can insert into the scene.
- A value that is used by the method to perform an action.
- What an object is called after it is added to the scene.
- The place where you can select objects from the gallery to add to the scene, position objects, and edit an object’s properties.
- The background of the scene that provides the sky, ground and light.
- A piece of program code that defines how the object should execute a task.

Complete Section 2-1 Getting Started With Alice Practice Activities. For the exercises 1-6 save it as WhiteRabbitProject, Optional Exercise 1 save as Alien, and optional exercise 2 save as MadHatter. Demonstrate all three programs to your instructor for teacher check. Complete the Project for this section and demonstrate the Fish_1.a3p program for teacher check.

NOTE: iLearning links will only work if you have already signed into your iLearning account.

Review of the Oracle iLearning environment



Complete the vocabulary for section 2-1 use the list provided in Google Classroom. Fill in the missing terms based on the Section 2-1 slides. Copy and paste your terms into a school loop document and submit to school loop.